For coroplast pans, which make nice catch-alls for hay and dust bunnies (those other bunnies you adopt when you adopt a bunny).
1. Put your bottom-level grids together first. Leave the long cable-tie 'tails' on at this point so you can tighten them later and then trim.
TIP: Arrange your grids to the "seams" are all either on the outside or the inside. The bunnies don't care so we recommend this inside. This is the side of the grid that the metal rods are soldered to and so they stick out a little bit on that size. Aesthetically, it looks nicer to have this on the inside.
2, Then carefully measure as accurately as you can the inside dimensions of the grids once you've 'knitted' them together using the cable-ties.
3. Now turn put your 8x4 piece of coroplast on the floor and approximate the center which is the best place to put your measured rectangle. Use a pen or grease pencil to mark the corners and a yardstick or T-square to draw out the rectangle (more photos coming soon for this part).
The excess coroplast all around it will be your pan sides. You can decide how deep you want each side to be. You will also have to fold the end flaps so they form a box bottom, just as you do when wrapping gifts.
4. Then you use box cutters or an exacto knife to 'score' or cut one side ONLY of the coroplast. DO NOT cut all the way through the coroplast! Score only through one layer of the plastic. This is corrugated plastic so it has two main layers on each side with corrugated (i.e,. ridged or fluted) plastic in between. Try not to cut the fluted plastic either JUST the one layer on ONE side of the plastic
5. Then you can drill little holes in the plastic and cable tie the flaps so they stay up or use clear packaging tape ON THE OUTSIDE of the pan to keep the flaps up. The bunny won't be able to get to the tape because it will be between the grids and the pan.
You should have a total of 8 lines to score, the 4 sides of the rectangle and two for each end flap.
NOTE FOR MODELS LIKE THIS - it is not necessary to put a layer of grids for a bottom, the pan bottom is sufficient IF you've measure carefully enough that the pan fits snugly inside your grids like this pan does here.